What is Soft Rebel Publishing?
Soft Rebel Publishing is my own independent publishing company, which I established in 2021 shortly after lockdown. My first two books had previously been published by a small traditional publisher and whilst there were many amazing learning curves during that process, I ultimately decided that self-publishing was the way forward for me.​
What's the bigger picture?
Soft Rebel has a drive to tell soulful stories with a powerful pulse. We love books that don't hold back when it comes to celebrating themes of authenticity, awareness, creativity and compassion - especially featuring characters or real-life people who are down-to-earth, accessible and relatable.
Based in South Devon in the UK, we publish books of quality and style by working with authors who have a skill for writing stories of humour as well as depth. We're always on the look-out for uplifting fiction that celebrates humanity at the same time as challenging outdated ideals.
Is Soft Rebel open for submissions?
Not at the moment. The long-term plan is for Soft Rebel to publish fiction and non-fiction books by other authors as described above. Watch this space and / or sign up to my Reader's List if you want to be the first to know when that changes!

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