About Humanism

I am a Humanist wedding celebrant accredited by Humanists UK.
But what does it mean to be a Humanist?
Humanism is a non-religious approach to life. It’s centred around reason, kindness, curiosity and a desire to do good for its own merit. It’s a simple way of thinking and living that doesn’t need a god or higher power for guidance or approval.
The inimitable Stephen Fry (patron of Humanists UK) puts it into words . . .
Are YOU a Humanist?
You don't have to be an active Humanist to want a Humanist ceremony. And I'd certainly never preach about it to your guests - respecting and embracing people from all walks of life and religions. Everyone is welcome at a Humanist ceremony.
A lot of people come across Humanism when searching for a non-religious wedding. Once they’ve discovered it, they often find out they are Humanist themselves without even knowing! That might be you if . . .
You look to science and reason to make sense of the world
Living an ethical life and championing human rights is important to you
Empathy and compassion for others help shape your moral outlook
You believe the power of the human experience is what gives us meaning and happiness
You can take this fun quiz to find out how Humanist you are.
If you’d like to look further into Humanism, here are some useful links:

Get Involved
You can also support the work of Humanists UK by becoming a member. Humanists UK lead campaigns about schools and education; human rights and equality; secularism; and public ethical issues.
You can find out more about these here: