Day 15 of Ramadan Kindness
As today marks the halfway point of our Ramadan Kindness Calendar, the Lads and I wanted to do something simple and low-key that would give us that lovely warm glow that kindness is so damn good at. Yes, sometimes being kind is emotionally difficult and helps us grow in ways that are undeniably tricky, but today, for a little break we wanted to bask in friendliness in some soft, sweet way.
This energy fit the day well as it is also the halfway mark of our half-term school holidays. Cue a looooong morning in pyjamas, crumpets, telly and nothing in particular to do (that's if you don't count the sorting of wet clothes, the emptying of bins, the washing of dishes, the tidying of rooms and the changing of beds that a mother somehow slips in to a 'lazy' morning).
Today the Lads chose two people they wanted to treat via the wonders of snail mail. In this lightning-quick, instant-contact, selfie-swapping world that we live in (and our children belong to, whether we like it or not), there is STILL nothing more magical than receiving an actual parcel through your actual door. My two Lads still delight in the wonder of this, and wanted to share that with people who mean something to them.
They chose two people for very specific reasons. One who means the absolute world to them and quite right that she does. The other, they hardly know but once did something so kind for them that they wanted to return the favour. I'm not going to spoil things by naming them here, as the chances are they could be reading this post (who am I to sabotage a child's grand plan?), but rest assured they chose wisely.
So we spent the afternoon crafting and writing and decorating and now there are two lucky people in the world who have surprise parcels winging their way to them. I'm hoping I'll be able to count on the madness of the very same lightning-quick, instant-contact, selfie-swapping world in just a few days so that I can share with you what they made and how their parcels were received (hint, hint to the two people in question).

So, until tomorrow and our next kindness instalment, I'm signing off.
Go well everybody,
#ramadan #randomactsofkindness #kindnesseveryday #loveblogging #surpriseparcels #firstclass #postabletreats
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