30 Days of Yoga - Detox
I made it to double figures people! It's day ten of my thirty day yoga journey and you know what that means, don't you? I only have to do this twice more and I'm only at the bleeding finish line. Not that I'm wishing it away or anything, just trying to get a little perspective to keep my motivation up, up up.
Today's yoga video with Adriene Mishler was entitled 'Detox'. And I certainly couldn't have planned it this way, but I actually had managed to have a detox before I had my detox. Imagine such a thing.
You may not have caught the tone from last night's blog post, but while writing I was being put through an ordeal which no writer should have to face. I was repeatedly having to pound up and down the stairs to deal with a Code Red in the Lads' bedroom. It's a long story but it basically consists of Big Lad's cold-hearted attempt to convince Little Lad that teddies don't, in fact, come to life when you're not looking. There were tears, there were more tears and there were some sodden wet teddy bears as Little Lad had gathered them ALL into his bed in a bid to block out the harsh truth. As I said, Code Red.

So this morning, when the alarm went off at 6am, I could. Not. Move. My hubby, on the other hand, was in fine fettle and appeared to have been visited by a parenting angel overnight for the magic words that came out of his mouth were: "Do you want me to take the boys to school?"
And that's where the first detox came in. A sleep detox.
Oh, it was delicious. After some lovely, soft kisses from my boys before they jaunted off to school with their dad (with chocolate spread on their mouths but I guess I have to live with the hubby bending the breakfast rules), I slept until a glorious ten thirty! So when I stepped onto my mat, all achy and painy after - let's be honest here - way too long in bed, I already felt detoxified and was happy as a pig in shit to let Adriene guide me through yet more detoxifying yumminess.
I was lucky that today's video suited my mood and my circumstances perfectly, as I know that's not always the case for people following this programme. I learned from yesterday and had the living room window flung wide, the mid-morning sun (yes - sun!) streaming through the window and carving up my yoga mat in pearlescent pieces. The postures today felt like they built beautifully on the 'opening' theme of yesterday - lots of heart-lifting, shoulder-stretching, core-twisting frolics. It was just those pesky high lunges that caught me out. I will conquer them one day. I will.

Due to my inability to get out of bed this morning, the rest of my day was spent playing catch-up. The email I should have sent hours ago. The flyer I really should start designing. The drafts of my novel I really should send to literary agents. But the sun and the fresh air slipping through my window in whispers was saying 'shoulda, woulda, coulda'.
And that's why I ditched the car in favour of my fully working, yoga'd-up legs for the school run. Yes, it would mean convincing the Lads to walk a whole mile uphill to get home, but surely my detoxed, beautiful, yoga-centric self could convince them it would be a breeze?

Or not.
We made it home anyway, and there have been no teddy-related crises tonight. There was a humdinger of a tantrum at dinner-time when Little Lad point blank refused to eat the fish and chips I lay before him (I know, not exactly in keeping with the detox theme - right?), and screamed through hot tears that I was the worst mum in the world and his brother was fat.
Big Lad and I will get over it. In time.
In the meantime he can go and tell it to his teddies.
Go well,
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