Day 12 of Ramadan Kindness
Here we are on Day Twelve on my little family's attempt at kindness every day during the period of Ramadan. It's all going well so far, notwithstanding some difficult life lessons for Little Lad (check out yesterday's post) and some explicit learnings about the female form for both Lads (remember day Day Nine?).
We are realising with each day of this self-inflicted challenge that kindness can be perfectly planned or it can be super spontaneous. Either way is good. Either way is fine. And either way teaches us all a particular way to be in the world that brings more joy and compassion.
Today we were off on an expedition. If you read yesterday's little yarn then you'll know that Little Lad, who recently turned seven, did not get his usual birthday party but instead was asked to choose a family outing. He knew straight off he wanted to go to the local trampoline park, and after I'd buried my head in my hands at the fact that we have a TWELVE FOOT trampoline outside in the garden which he can access any time he likes, I wearily surrendered and forked out the substantial amount of cash it requires to be present in this place for sixty minutes. And even that was with a Groupon.

No matter. We rocked up to 'i-Bounce' at midday today, donned our fancy socks and were herded by a particularly quirky chap into a box-room to watch the safety video. The Lads giggled at the threat of death by bouncing a little too much and then we happily skipped on through to the zone of said potential death. Nice.
Let it be known that I purchased a family ticket with the FULL intention of bouncing my way through an hour with the Lads and the hubby. Not because that's my thing (because it kind of isn't) but because I knew the glee it would give Little Lad to see me joining in. I could at least give him that for his birthday.

Unfortunately, and without being too graphic, I have pushed two enormous babies out of my body in the not-too-distant past and never has that been more apparent than today on those bloody trampolines. I had taken precautions as I thought such an issue with my pelvic floor may arise (or more accurately, collapse), but even so, forty minutes in and I admitted defeat.
To be fair, the hubster did come and join me not long after and we basked in the knowledge that the quirky chap from i-Bounce seemed to have taken over the entertaining of people's children anyway. He had a frenetic game of dodgeball going on that had the kids absolutely transfixed so maybe the substantial cash spent on this place had been worth it after all.
As the whistle was blown to announce the end of the bouncing sesh, our children, as well as everybody else's emerged from the dodgeball court slathered in sweat and sporting glowing cheeks. Not far behind them was the i-Bounce chap looking less quirky and more wiped out by the onslaught of soft balls and ricocheting youngsters.
Thus began the scramble for shoes and drinks and dazzlingly luminous slushies. Guess which one our Lads made a bee-line for? I mean, who cares about shoes, right?
And while the hubby had his hand in his pocket to pay for the undoubtedly noxious drinks, despite the fact that he was allowed NOTHING due to Ramadan (not even a tiny drop of water), he forked out for a slushie for the not-so-quirky i-Bounce chap too.

Quirky chap graciously accepted his gift of refreshment and even posed for a quick photo with the Lads, no doubt before he bounced off to do the next shift of dodgeball madness.

So that rounds up Day Twelve of the Ramadan Kindness Calendar. Simple. Straightforward. Spontaneous.

And anyway, what's an extra £2.50 when you've already forked out for your Groupon?
Go well,
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