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Day 19 of Ramadan Kindness

Writer's picture: Abigail YardimciAbigail Yardimci

Right folks, it's late, I've just finished all my millions of household chores, I need a cuppa AND a guy from my hometown has just won Britain's Got Talent (!). So forgive me if this is a quickie.

I have to be honest and say that today I have not spent all that much time with my children (excluding the last two and a half hours of BGT insanity, of course). The hubster had the day off so whilst I got to stay home and potter about like a good housewife, he swept the Lads off on a fishing trip, with the firm instruction to report back on any acts of kindness for the Ramadan Kindness Calendar.

Whilst doing my pottering around our bombsite of a house, I did - more than once - drift off into daydreams that my sensitive, kind-doing children would come home and entertain me with stories of how they couldn't bear to kill the fish. That they would have thrown them all back into the deep blue sea and would have convinced their Dad to take them to a forest somewhere where they could pick berries and hug trees.

But then Big Lad came charging into the kitchen grasping a hefty mackerel and Little Lad screaming at him to slow down so he could squish its eyes.


They did, however, have a marvellous time with their Dad, eating chocolate eclairs, watching the RAF air show over the water in Paignton, climbing perilous rock faces and generally killing and gutting slippery life forms from the ocean.


Anyway, the one bit of kindness that Big Lad did show today (Little Lad was apparently far too busy with all of the above) was to volunteer not only to pick up the rubbish from his own fishing / chocolate eclair fest, but also everybody else's too. He dragged a whole bag of rubbish back to the car from the water's edge and brought it back home to sort out for the wheelie bin / recycling boxes.

We're feeling rather chuffed that he was able to do this without a lengthy lecture about the horrendous state of our oceans thanks to the carelessness and arrogance of humanity. He, at least for one day, made an effort not to be one of those careless / arrogant humans and that's got to count for something.

And, as my pottering didn't quite get that far around the house, now I've just got to get him to apply the same wisdom to his bloody bedroom.

Go well,



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