Day 20 of Ramadan Kindness
It's Day Twenty of my little family's Ramadan Kindness Calendar and, as you can imagine, because the Yardimci Lads were back at school today, that warranted a slightly panicked chat on the morning school run regarding what today's kindness would be.
This Kindness Calendar has been challenging on a few different levels so far. Let's just take it as read that sometimes it is HARD to cajole two moody boys into a kind and altruistic mood from which to perform kind and altruistic acts. The oldest one, especially, is brimming with hormones which make him unapproachable 90% of the day and the little one, well, he's just busy ruling the world.
Add to that the fact that we have an unnecessarily packed working week consisting of not only school for them and work for me, but also drama clubs, swimming lessons, football coaching and homework, and you've got yourself a challenge in the truest sense of the word. (Let's not even mention the fact that I've foolishly chosen to bloody blog about it all meaning I'm shamefully on the look-out for bloggable kindness that is preferably photogenic).
Day Twenty also means that we're flagging a bit. I mean, I like to think us Yardimcis are creative little souls, but even we are having trouble cooking ideas up now.
Big Lad resorted again this morning, to the idea of giving people stuff. All well and good - who could argue with the flowers we gave out to my mindfulness students on Day Two, or the throat care parcel for the Lad's drama teacher on Day Six? But I just can't help feeling that my Lads should learn that kindness does not always come in the form of something you can hold / sniff / devour. I want them to learn about the ungraspable stuff that gets the heart pumping, the cheeks glowing and gratitude flowing through the veins.
Anyway, we got chatting on our early morning stroll to school, about the people we miss in the North East of England where we used to live. The Lads were lucky enough to have a whole gaggle of amazing mates who they still talk about regularly. To be fair, they have an equally amazing gaggle here in Brixham too, but I guess the absence from the original gaggle increases the already firm foundations of fondness.

And as Big Lad is a seasoned You Tuber (check out Kayaboy Kool - you will not be disappointed) he came up with the rather brilliant idea of recording a video for their long-lost friends. Nice. No costs attached. No stuff to devour. No great effort required. Now that's the type of kindness groove I can get into.
When I asked them who they wanted to record video messages for, they were both quick to answer.
Big Lad: Nathan (beautiful and exuberant young thing who used to live along the street and incessantly knock on our door, hence rescuing me on many an occasion from Big Lad's boredom rants)
Little Lad: Reese (angelic little blondie who first bonded with Little Lad at the childminder's when they were the tender age of two and then went on to get up to much mischief together at school and beyond)
So with that cunning plan in the making, we just had to find time after school among drama session drop-offs, dinner and video gaming (naturally) to record our little ditties. No biggie for a girl who squeezed whipping up a Spanish sausage casserole into all that too.
Here are the messages, which were also shared on Facebook so that Nathan and Reese can rest easy in their beds tonight, knowing that Big Lad and Little Lad have a special place for them in their hearts.
Reese's mum clearly has some sort of actual life as she has not yet responded to the post on Facebook but I'm sure she will in good time and I'll be able to assure Little Lad that Reese is overjoyed with his message.
Nathan's mum, however, not only responded instantly but also did so from a flippin' sun lounger in TURKEY! Big Lad (who is half Turkish) was most chuffed with this and saw it as some sort of supernatural sign of the unbreakable bond between him and his old pal Nathan. He is therefore eagerly awaiting a return message which Nathan's poor mum now has to arrange from her sun lounger. #thestruggleisreal

Anyway, I think that's what you call 'mission accomplished' so onwards until tomorrow's kindness instalment . . .
Go well,
#ramadan #randomactsofkindness #kindnesseveryday #loveblogging #muminthemomentblog #videomessaging #oldpals
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