Day 25 of Ramadan Kindness
It was only a matter of time before these Ramadan kindness shenanigans involved baked goods and today, my good people, you will not be disappointed.
Having spent the morning packing like a woman possessed, this afternoon we decided to go to the beach. This was all part of an on-off-on-off-maybe-on-perhaps-off-again plan between me and a few other Mums via various confusing social media platforms, but finally, at about 3pm, we ALL made it onto the beach . . . footballs, goggles, swimming cozzies, towels, wipes, picnics, drinks AND children all present and correct.

As the kids dispersed to their various preferred zones of play, us Mums were left rocking the babies and sitting in our own self-congratulatory smugness for actually getting out of the door with all the required people and equipment. Damn, that shit feels good.
Once we'd come down from our natural high, we set about the task of taking alternative watch over our various younglings, munching on the surplus of snacks and obviously putting the world to rights. After we'd tackled the evils of Calpol, the wonder of scarves and the terror of secondary schools, we felt it was time to gather the tribe and give them a little treat.
That treat came in the form of the fabulous chocolate cake that a good friend recently baked for Big Lad's birthday. Even Big Lad, with his full set of sweet teeth, couldn't have polished the whole thing off by himself, so we'd divided it up and brought it with us on our beach expedition.

At first I didn't fancy my chances of getting nine kids together at the same time, especially when there's the ocean and the rocks and the sunshine to contend with. However, it seems the mere whisper of the word cake is enough to have them flock around you like their lives depend on it. Big Lad gave out the shiny silver parcels and silence(ish) fell all around.
The kids may have felt like this cake-giving was pretty much standard issue, especially considering the party-like vibe we had going on. But for us Mums, the kindness of such an act was well and truly noticed - and not just because of the atypical silence of the kids either. My friend, Isobel (of Balloon Pop and Chocolate Brownie fame), admitted - through mouths of chocolate bliss - that this had been the most she'd eaten in one go in a very long time. This is because Isobel has FOUR children, two of them babies, whose appetites naturally take precedence over hers. This is because Isobel tends to put porridge in the microwave for her breakfast and finds it three hours later with a rumbling tummy and absolutely no recollection of how it got there. This cake MEANT something to her.

So although the kids wolfed the cake down then got on with the world of footy on the beach, drawing on pebbles and lounging in the sea, us Mums perhaps let the kindness sink in for a few moments more. The kindness of my good friend who gave up her time and creativity to make the cake in the first place, and the kindness of Big Lad for sharing out one of the most precious commodities in his young life.

The post-cake experience at the beach was just as enjoyable as the pre-cake experience, and we all went home sun-kissed, sandy and salty with just a little air of sweetness still lingering - Mums included.
Until tomorrow's unpredictable act of kindness (still haven't bloody thought of anything) . . .
Go well . . .
#ramadan #randomactsofkindness #kindnesseveryday #loveblogging #muminthemomentblog #mumsrock #beachlife #cakeytreat
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Oh Abi ,another great blog ,so glad you all had a great time ,& hope everyone enjoyed the cake ,the weather is beautiful !!!!XXX🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂