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Day 27 of Ramadan Kindness

Writer's picture: Abigail YardimciAbigail Yardimci

Hot on the heels of yesterday's act of Ramadan Kindness comes a special early morning instalment for day twenty seven. Here's a little clue:

Mmmmmm . . .

But before I let you in on the beauty of what the Yardimci Lads got up to this morning, let me confess a little something.

I may have given somebody a heart attack on the school run.

It's true. Lads safely deposited, I was power-walking back up the hill with my usual determination when I thought I heard a little voice on the breeze. Having the hearing ability of somebody twice my age, I figured it was probably a bird or something and kept on up the hill. But then I heard it again, and a little boy walking past me craned his neck to look over my shoulder and I decided it was probably somebody he knew. On I went.

But then there was the unmistakable "Aaaaabbiiiiiii!" and I knew I was in demand. I turned around to see my poor friend Louise sprinting up the hill holding something delicate and wafty in her hands. That's right, Louise from yesterday's blog post, whose children got some fun park tokens from the hubby's impulsive sharing of such treasure.

As usual, she was full of joy and light and didn't let the fact that she had no breath left in her body stop her from telling me why she'd been running after me. Her gorgeous kids, Esme and Eli, had created artworks for the hubster, to say thank you for his kindness yesterday. And because he's of the Turkish variety, they'd researched Turkish symbols and how to say 'thank you' just for him. How lush is that?

He is most chuffed with his gifts but I am planning to check in on Louise later on, just to ensure she is now breathing normally. Note to self: must turn up hearing aids.

Onwards to today's act of kindness then. Well, actually, this one started yesterday with myself and Big Lad getting busy in the kitchen. Yes, here is yet another act of kindness involving baked goods but we're nearing the end of Ramadan now so I think we'll allow it.

You might remember from these seemingly perpetual blog posts, that it was recently both of the Lads' birthdays. They were lucky enough to have the most amazing cakes made for them by my next-door neighbour's clever daughter, Tracy. Having seen and tasted her handiwork before, I was delighted when she agreed to bake the cakes for the Lads, and even more delighted when she delivered them to our door:

Now although my baking skills are not really up to the visions you see above, I am a dab hand at baking of the more rustic sort. Rock cakes, brownies and flapjacks are much more my thing so I suggested to the Lads that we make something nice for Tracy. After all, with her own baking prowess, I doubt anybody makes treats for her very often. Time we put that right.

So yesterday Big Lad and I bonded over chopping chocolate and licking spoons - Little Lad was at a sleepover so basically, more fool him.

Everybody likes a brownie, right?

Little Lad got roped in on his return then we packaged the delicious squares up in a heart-adorned bag and wrote a little thank you card too. Now all we had to do was wait, because our next-door neighbour, Margaret (also THE most avid of my blog readers), had cunningly arranged for her daughter to arrive for a shopping trip early the next day, just before the Lads had to skip off to school.

If you've never stood on somebody's front doorstep for the sole purpose of giving them a present, I urge you to do it as soon as possible. If you can do it with your kids - even better. There are few experiences more delectable than the anticipation of gift-giving, and involving the children really does take it up a notch. I thought the Lads were going to explode.

Luckily, they didn't and Tracy got the surprise and the treat she deserved.

As I write this, at just after midday, I like to think Tracy and Margaret went on their shopping trip and then, about now, stopped off to have a coffee and a little something from Tracy's heart-adorned bag. Lord knows, for how they've welcomed and nurtured myself and my Lads since we moved here, they both deserve it.

Go well,



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