The One With The Book Cover Reveal
If you've read my books or if you follow me on social media, then you know fine well that I have been positively ITCHING to reveal the cover of the third instalment of the #LifeIsYoursTrilogy, Everything Is Yours.
Well, that day has finally come, folks. Feast your eyes, if you will.
Isn't she an absolute beauty?
My ace cover designer, Bailey McGinn has absolutely outdone herself.
What I love about working with Bailey (apart from the fact that her designs are gorgeous) is that she reads the entire book before coming up with her ideas. Can you imagine how many man-hours that must take? Granted, it's lovely to have a job where you can read as part of your remit, but what a huge undertaking it must be for her to agree to read an entire book before even putting pen to paper.
I have loved having conversations with Bailey about the main themes of my books and discovering which themes spoke the most to her whilst she was reading. What themes do you see in this cover? Here's what I see:
- Renewal
- Personal growth
- Self belief
- Feminine Power
- Positivity
- Courage
I do have my own very modest background in graphic design but, in the end, I really felt I needed to work with someone whose skills went further than mine. If those themes were going to burst out of the cover then I needed somebody with a deeper understanding of book marketing and appropriate genre-based design. Bailey totally fit the bill!
I have not regretted making this extra investment for a second. As you can imagine, one of the most magical moments for an author is to finally see your book as a living, breathing thing. Before it gets into the hands of the most awesome readers on the planet (yes, I'm talking about YOU!), it first has to become an object more tangible than what dwells in your head and laptop. And every time Bailey has sent me her initial design concepts, I have known with shivers and tingles in the general area of my heart, that we have been onto something special.
And collaborating is fun. Just a few emails back and forth with some tweaks and some twiddles, and we got there in the end. Now can you understand why I've been itching to show you this?

I also want to say a massive thank you to Hayley McLean from Sparkles & Stretchmarks Blog - Hayley is a good friend of mine and also (luckily) a massive fan of my novels. Her fantastic endorsement gives any reader scrolling through Amazon or browsing a bookshop, an accurate idea of what they can expect from Book 3. In fact, Hayley will be writing a review of Everything Is Yours on the 10-day book blog tour so you'll be able to check that out on Friday 19th November as detailed below.

I'm sure that by now, you're dying to read the final part in Jess's story. Well there's not much longer to wait! Everything Is Yours is released on Thursday 11th November and you can pre-order your e-book on Amazon now! Just follow this link to make sure you get yours.
If it's a paperback you're after, then also check Amazon on the 11th and you should be able to order yours straight from there. Otherwise, you will be able to get a SIGNED copy from my website shop in a matter of weeks. Want to know exactly when those are available? Then sign up to my readers list and you'll know before anybody else.
I just want to sign off by sharing with you the warm, fuzzy feeling this final book cover has given me. Not just because it's gorgeous and Bailey has hit the spot so well with her design for this final part of Jess's story of heartbreak and renewal, courage and forgiveness; but also because it puts into perspective just how damn hard I'd worked this year. I think it's important - especially for us women - to sometimes take a mindful pause to absorb just where we are in our lives. I may not be buying that mansion by the sea just yet, or even hitting buy on that bloody Shark cordless vacuum cleaner I've coveted forever and a day, but I am immensely proud of what I've done this year.
In January I made the decision to move from being a traditionally published author to a self-published one. Now that might sound a bit backwards to you, but for me it has meant more control, more creativity, more potential and more excitement. I have never worked as hard on anything in my whole life, as I have over the past few months re-writing my novels and getting them up to a standard that makes me beam with pride.

Thank you so much for going with me on that ride - you probably have no idea the tears and tantrums that have been going on behind the scenes of my social media pages, but it has been your interest, engagement and support that have kept me going. The reader-writer dynamic is a special one, for sure, and not one I ever want to lose. And that's why I really hope you love the cover for Everything Is Yours, and that you'll love what's inside the cover even more.
Big love to you all and, as ever, go well,
P.S. If you enjoyed this blog post then make sure you sign up to get ALL Abigail's bookish news as and when it happens. You'll also bag yourself a FREE book of poems called 'What About Now?' - 16 poems rooted in mindfulness and fired by love. Sign up here.
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